Dahringer to Besley, September 15, 1909



Dahringer to Besley, September 15, 1909


Homer Dahringer writes to Ruth Besley about some experiences at the University of Illinois.


Homer Dahringer








Champaign, Ill September 15, 1909 My Dear Ruth: I take my pen in hand to write to you one letter. Only one to-night. I arrived here safe and sound not a bit sick but a trifle hungry. I tell you that all these stories you hear of how upper classmen treat the Freshies (muh to) are bosh. I met two Juniors on the train and they gave me a good many pointers. When we got here they treated me to a dinner at the Hotel and afterwards took me to their Frat. house. I met some of the prominent athletes and students and had a peach pf a time. One fellow took me around and showed me most of the buildings and then took me to Rosencrans house. The way it is planned is that Halley and Ed. B. and I have one room. Dwight and Bidee T another room in the same house. Of course nothing is certain as yet. Until the other fellows come. How did it all happen to you? Now please dont tell me you didnt cry because it would make me feel like a baby. I did a good imitation of a lawn sprinkler when I left. One dont appreciate ones home and parents to the full extent until you go to leave them. I sure had the blues proper. But that isnt what I started this letter for. Ill keep my troubles to myself. I can easily see how one can become attached to this old place. All these old buildings make one think of veterans at their post of duty. Theyre so silent and massive and suggestive. The gymnasium is nice and large and the athletic field is a perfect dream. Fellows are practicing foot-ball already. but not with much vim on account of the heat. Im afraid this is all I can say at one time so I will hang up. Every Yours Homer D. 605 East Healy, Champaign Ill. Please write about everything and all but mostly about yourself. H.D.